Friday, May 29, 2015

Student Success Statement Thomas Carlyle

Student Success Statement 

"A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder."

Thomas Carlyle 
Image result for thomas carlyle

What this quote is trying to say is that if you don't set any goals, then where are you heading. If a ship doesn't have a rudder, the wind takes it wherever it wants to go. So if a man doesn't have a goal then he's not going to know what direction to go. When you set goals, you know what you're gonna do and what you're going to work on to achieve that goal. For example, when a person sets a goal to graduate then that person will work hard to achieve that goal. If a person doesn't set any goals then they themselves won't know where they are headed. These people without goals will just have to wait and see where life takes them. When they wait there is a big chance that they end being in a place or circumstance that they wouldn't like to be at. It's important to set goals so you can know what you want to do with your life and not be lost most of the time. Making goals will make it easier for you to run through your life because you know what you want. The ship needs a rudder just like you need goals. So you should make goals and you'll see that you will start achieving them and your life will make much more sense.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Student Success Statement Chinese Proverb

Student Success Statement 
Beautiful Character
"If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. 
If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world.
Chinese Proverb

Reflection: What this quote is trying to say is that if you have a good character then the world would be such a better place. To have a good character you have to be respectful to others, have a kind heart, and to always do what you're supposed to do. In other words always choose the right and don't get into trouble. If you and everyone has a good character then it will be more than obvious that the world would have peace and it will be way better for all of us. Why live in a world that is everything but peace? That world won't benefit us in any way, whatsoever. We live in this world to be happy and to have peace and if we can't have that then in what world do we live in. In order for there to be peace in the world we all have to improve our character. We all have to do something with ourselves to make the nation and our world safer and peaceful. 

The Six Pillars of Character

Character Counts
"The Six Pillars of Character"

List the Six Pillars:

Describe each pillar and give an example: 
Trustworthiness means to always be honest and reliable. An example would be to never cheat.

Respect means to use good manners and be considerate of the feelings of others. An example may be to always be respectful to elders and help them when possible.

Responsibility means to always do what you're supposed to do, and to be on top of your things. An example would be to always find time to do your homework.

Fairness means to always take turns and share, play by the rules and always be open-minded to hear what others have to say. An example of this would be when playing a game, everyone should take turns to make everything fair.

Caring means to be kind, forgive others, and to help others when they're in need. An example of this would be to always assist your help although they might not need it in the moment.

Citizenship means to cooperate, volunteer, get involved with the community, protect the environment and etc. An example of this would be to help clean up in beaches or any other place.

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Reflection: I think the Six Pillars of Character is a great way to show everyone how they're supposed to act, this will show them the benefits it has when you follow the six pillars. I think everyone should follow these pillars because it will better themselves in so many ways.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Student Success Statement Sophocles

Student Success Statement 

"I would prefer to fail with honor than win by cheating."

Image result for sophocles

What this quote is trying to say is that it's always better to fail if you were going to win cheating. What's the point of winning if you cheated your way there. You basically failed because you weren't able to win honestly. You didn't even win because you weren't honest about it and you didn't try hard enough because you had to cheat. For example in a game, you really want to win but there is no way of winning at this point so you decide to cheat, that is not right. You had to cheat in order to win, so you shouldn't have won that title because you would've been known as the cheater. It's honestly better to fail with pride because you know that you tried your hardest and you can win any other time.I don't see a point in cheating because you have to lie to yourself and to everyone to the top.

Memorial Day

"Memorial Day"

What is Memorial Day? Memorial Day is a holiday in the United States which remembers all the the people who died serving for our country's armed forces.

What is the purpose of Memorial Day? The purpose of Memorial Day is to basically give thanks to all the the people who served and to remember them for fighting for our country.

When is it? Memorial Day is celebrated the last Monday of May and this year it will be May 25th. 

What are a few ways to show honor and respect on Memorial Day? A few ways to show honor and respect is to maybe have a moment of silence for them and by maybe attending some type of place that will be for the remembrance of all who served.

       Image result for memorial day                    Image result for memorial day

I personally think that Memorial Day is a great holiday to celebrate for the simple fact that we are giving thanks to everyone who fought for our country. By having this holiday we are showing them that we appreciate everything that they did for our country. Not a lot of people know what the soldiers have done for us but they have done a lot to fight for our freedom. 
Some things I will do on Memorial Day to show honor and respect is that I will have a family dinner for them, in memory of them. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Student Success Statement Dan Dierdorf

Student Success Statement

"If I've got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing, I'm going to succeed."

Dan Dierdorf 
Image result for dan dierdorf

What this quote is trying to say is that if you keep on pushing to achieve what you want then you'll succeed. Most people just set goals but they never really work hard to achieve them. You have to set goals that you know will make you successful. Don't set goals that won't help you. Those goals are supposed to help you succeed and maybe even become a better person. When you set goals and you are determined to achieve them, you have to keep pushing and keep working hard. When you work hard for that goal, everything will come together and it will all make sense. You just always have to do the right thing and best believe that you'll succeed. If you don't do the right thing then you won't succeed at all because you did something you weren't supposed to do. Always set your mind to doing the right thing, and if you do this you will do the right thing and you will have goals and you'll be determined to achieve them

Monday, May 18, 2015



Duties and Responsibilities: An optician is a person who designs, fits and dispenses corrective lenses for a person's vision. These opticians help fit eyeglasses and contact lenses depending on the prescription the optometrist gave them.

Salary: $33,330

Education: High school diploma and on-job training.

                                     Image result for optician

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
Being an optician doesn't sound like a bad idea and it's not a bad career. The thing is I am not really interested in it. That's not my type of career. I would want to be something more fun, or like i have said so many times, i would like to be a pediatrician. That's just a career that i would really enjoy and that I've really wanted to do. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Student Success Statement Wilford Woodruff

Student Success Statement 

"Nothing is ever gained in doing what's wrong."

Wilford Woodruff
Image result for wilford woodruff

What this quote is trying to say is that when you do the wrong thing, you won't gain anything from it. There is nothing to gain when you choose the wrong. The only thing you'll probably gain is guilt because you will feel bad inside after you do the wrong thing. In the other hand, when you do good, you will always benefit from it in the future. Why do what's wrong, if you're not going to gain anything? Might as well do something that you will benefit from and that it will help you in the future. It is better to do something that you'll look back in the future without regretting anything. For example, let's say you end up doing something bad and end up being in jail, this will probably ruin your future. But if you would've stopped yourself from doing bad things, your future would be great. Everything you do is up to you. So it's better to make good decisions.

LAUSD: Families

LAUSD: Families

Some family services are:
  • Parents As Equal Partners in the Education of their Children, and what these services do is that it recognizes are the first teachers to their students. It embraces the families' strengths to ensure the academic success of students.
  • Parent, Community and Student services is when families and community groups work together to support the learning of children, to help them stay longer in school and to like school more.
  • Parents' Bill Of Rights ensures the responsibilities that parents have to do for the academic choices of their children, like educating them since they were little, know the school their children goes too and etc.
These services will benefit me and my family because we will both know what my family has to do to support me academic wise. This will help with our strengths and weaknesses, and it will help our parents be better first teachers to their kids.

The services that me and my family will use are Parents' Bills of Rights because this will help my parents know what responsibilities they have as parents.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Student Success Statement Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Student Success Statement

"The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self -respect, dignity (self-worth), integrity, and self-esteem." 

Dr. Laura Schlessinger 
Image result for dr laura schlessinger

What this quote is trying to say is that when you do the right thing, you feel good inside. Every time you do something good, you feel great inside because you know you did what was right. You often raise up your self esteem because you feel good about yourself so you start thinking that you're a great person, raising up your self esteem. It's a good feeling when you do something right because you gain self-respect and integrity. When you do something wrong, you start feeling bad inside and you later start to regret it. If you want to feel good about good about yourself then do the right things. There's always a reward when you do the right thing which is feeling good about yourself, and there's nothing better than that.