Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Final: Part 1

Final: Part 1

1) What are things you liked about the class?
- Some things I liked about this class is our life planning goals notebook because reading the goals would really push us to achieve them. Another thing I liked about this class were the student success statements because I feel like those quotes will help us as a person.

2) What are things you did not like about the class?
- One thing that I did not like about this class is that we wouldn't research a lot of interesting medical careers. A lot of the research was careers that I have never heard of. I feel like we should have researched more common medical careers.

3) Recommendations for improving this class:
- One recommendation would just be to be a little more vague when choosing the topics for our research.

4) Answer: Did you really do your best in this class?
- I did do my best in this class, and I always did all my work.

5) Answer: Are you reading your Life Planning 100+ Goals Daily for at least two minutes?
- I am reading my goals for at least two minutes, and i try to read them everyday. There is probably a couple of days that I don't read them, but other than that i read them like everyday.

6) Answer: Are you committed to be a CTR person? Why or why not?
- I am committed to be a CTR person because I always want to make the right decisions that will benefit me.

7) What will you remember about this class?
- I will for sure remember the life planning goals and the student success statements.

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

The Ultimate Choice
Of all choices you ever make, there is one choice that supersedes all others that will guide and help you in all your other choices. This one choice will help you always make correct decisions. This one choice, The Ultimate Choice, is the keystone to being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice. THE ULTIMATE CHOICE is:
To be a CTR person- to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!! 

Image result for CTR

What this quote is trying to say is that you should be a CTR person, a person that always makes the correct decisions although everyone else is making the bad decision. By choosing to be a CTR person, it is more than likely that you life would change because you are now willing to make all the correct decisions and that will help you be a better person. There is nothing better than being the best person you can be. The choice of being a CTR person will guide you through life in the correct path so you won't make any bad mistakes that you could've prevented. Everyone should make that choice, not only because it will change your life as a person but it can influence other people to choose the right. When you are making the right decisions you will feel so good about yourself, so basically it will benefit you.